Quantum healing is about using special waves with unique properties. The one unique property between all the waves used in quantum healing is that these waves are cyclic in nature, meaning that they repeat themselves over and over. We call this oscillation and it is measure in hertz. One hertz is one cycle per second as is known as having a frequency of 1 Hz. All of our communication systems are based on radio, television and light waves. Our body is no different. The systems described below are actually representations of quantum waves.
Our human vehicle consists of many different energy systems. Like an automobile which has an electrical , heating, communication and drive system, our body has similar systems. All need to work together for our bodies to function. Our body’s energy engine is composed of :
An electrical system/waves called a nervous system.
A magnetic system/waves used for grounding and memory access.
A reorganization energy system/scalar waves which is responsible for assembly and disassembly.
A chakra system/visible light waves responsible for communication.
A computer system consisting of a right and left brain to manage and balance energy out.
Along with the computer are algorithms for data crunching.
And the driver who determines where the body is to go.
When dealing with holographic projections, the energy healer must work with the energy before it enters the body. The energy systems above all exists as projections into the body. This means that if you make sure the projection is clean, the body will behave as expected. If the outside energy is blocked from properly reaching its destination, the body becomes ill. Creating a representation from intuition of health and illness is a challenge for all healers, but it is necessary for a rapid transformation program to have a way of communicating progress. Dimensional Transitions remedy is a graphical representation of the energy systems as seen through the healer which includes easy identification of problem areas. In each system series one color represents one type of energy. For the most part a broken or bent line indicates a problem in the system.
The systems described above are considered part of the crystallization process. The systems are dynamic in that they move, expand and change until they reach a level where the body is ready for a higher or new energy input and a new different image is used to represent a new series of energy systems.
The first system to start with is the driver. The driver has no color but is represented by the page the drawing is on. It has three sections, top, middle and bottom. To comprehend the driver you must comprehend the way memory is organized. The 3rd dimension is a lower vibrating memory and located in the middle of the page as being the predominant system. The top represents brain balancing and how memory from different dimensions change our perspective. The bottom represents the 10th dimension information stored in the earth. It represents a massive amount of information.
Everyone has parts of their energy drawing in the middle and top driver sections. Many have some energy systems extended to the lower part of the page.
This symbol represents a beginner stage.
The remaining systems all have unique colors:
Reorganization : Green
Charkra : Red
Magnetic : Black
Electrical : Purple
Computer : Blue
Algorithms : Brown
Movement : Yellow (represents energy focused on upgrading)
Our ability to change is controlled by the reorganization energy. The symbol used is a green circle which can expand, fill in and move up and down depending on where the reorganization is taken place. The order in which this symbol moves is:
small circle in 3rd dimension
expands to large circle in 3rd dimension
drops down to small circle in 10th dimension
circle gets filled in in 10th dimension
circle becomes small again but included in computer section
circle splits in two to form Vesica Piscis
circles consume computer
The next three energy systems expand downward into the 10th dimension earth energy and upward above the crown chakra into higher vibration energy. Each begins extending downward from the 3rd dimension and then upward to the top part of the page where the brain symbols are located.
The first of these is the magnetic system. As our bodies are made of the earth it shares in its magnetic system of communication. Our bodies have their own individual magnetic doughnut shaped field encircling it. This field contains the memory information needed for our holographic projection. When we expand this field into the earth and above our crown we then include a memory system far greater than our personal memory system. We began the process of expanding our potential by accessing memory on a scale exponentially larger than we have been educated to believe. This system is represented with a black short horizontal line which represents the clarity of memory access and a long vertical black line connected to either the right or the left side of the horizontal black line. When on the right side it designates that your body reads magnetic frequencies from high to low. When on the left side it reads in the opposite direction. It is usually only on the left side as you expand into the earth energy. This is because as you are learning to connect to the earth’s memory system it is easier to start from lower frequencies and work your way up. Once the connections is solid, the black line will shift back to the right and readings will continue from higher energy to lower ones.
The second system is the electrical system and is integrated with your nervous system. It is represented by a vertical purple line. When the electrical system combines with the magnetic system and a holographic plate is created. We are able to see its affect as the human aura that surrounds our body. The aura is light energy know as electromagnetic energy. The different colors we observe relate to us how the chakra system is working. Our nervous system plays a key role in decoding the electrical energy our body takes in through all our senses. A damaged nervous system severely affects the holographic process. Any belief system which inhibit the expansion of brain usage or physical injury particularly to the spine or brain breaks the true holographic projection. The holographic plate contains our life’s purpose and memories. It becomes reality when the conscious light hits it creating the projection of our human experience.
The third system is the chakra system represented by a vertical red line. This is the communication system that is composed of light diffracted to different frequencies. The higher frequencies start above the head and drop in frequencies as they approach the earth. These different frequencies are linked to your organs and control how your body interprets the light energy. Each frequency contains encoded information from other dimensions needed for human development. They work similarly to a television wave. Each frequency or channel contains different kinds of information. Our bodies are more sophisticated then a television. It can see multiple channels at the same time. It needs to do this to build the result of the holographic projection. The result of this multidimensional assessment of light is called reality.
Quantum physics describes dimensions in more physical term. It is important to understand that consciousness describes dimensions in terms of memory availability and processing capability. Why? Because as we obtain more memory our perception of reality changes. The only thing which experience has shown is that like computers, as memory and CPU speed increases so does its potential, the same holds true for biological life forms. We are a small part of a much larger computer that continues to grow. The universal consciousness grows because it makes the universe grow so that it can continue the evolution of its own consciousness by constantly creating new possibilities.
Part of human evolution parallels computer evolution when it comes to algorithms. As more data or information becomes available to our human experience it becomes necessary to find ways to manage the data so we don’t get lost in the details. As computers have evolved more sophisticated algorithms have made it easier for us to interpret information and make better use of it. Our bodies work in the same way. The next set of symbols represent the 8th dimension of consciousness, the dimension of algorithms. This is the world of sacred geometry and advanced energy processing. You began to understand the ascension process through the ability of managing the universal memory system through inter-dimensional access with algorithms of ascension. These algorithms are displayed in brown as geometric shapes. They usually begin to appear as you enter the 10th dimension. The symbols slowly develop and center themselves if the 3rd dimension. There is a progression of higher algorithm capability that follows the symbols. Below are a list of the current symbols available to the 3rd dimension.
Level 1 : cube higher definition through earth energy
Level 2 : infinity absolute connectivity
Level 3 : tetrahedron compressing data
Level 4 : frustum 8 faced meaning
Level 5 : merkaba transformation
Level 6 : circle the infinite lines
The next symbol has a progressive display. It deals with brain balancing and is represented by the color blue. It is located at the top of the driver page and deals with the four stages of identity. The different stages are:
small circle : body
large circle : soul, arrow pointing out = you are guiding, in = guides helping you
square : space-time
an x : reason
These help develop the consciousness of the 5th dimension.
The next progressive symbol represents movement. It is in yellow and is associated with where energy if being added to create change. These symbols appear and disappear as needed. These symbols are:
one set of parenthesis around where energy is to be focused on
two sets of parentheses
a circle
a star in the circle
The last symbol represents galactic connections. It is a vertical gray line and often appears and disappears as needed.
This is the drawing of an individual who has completed the amplifying energy program.

The energy of algorithms, movement and galactic connections are often exchanged for the development of more important features. Often the energy of one will be used to move the conversion energy to a higher vibration.
The symbols used for this type of biofeedback were created to help understand the quantum physics involved with consciousness. Many modalities have biofeedback systems which use different symbols that emphasize a different perspective but yield the same results. The Dimensional Transitions rapid transformation program is not about teaching quantum physics but about providing a feedback system which promotes the union of eastern and western philosophy about healing. The biofeedback program is intended to build integrity within the language and concepts used.
This crystallization process begins the ascension process. It prepares your body for the higher energy levels. From here begins viewing ourselves as one memory system. In the Part 3 you will learn about the first of four galactic channels in place to change the earth’s vibration to the 5th dimension, the “I AM” and “Corporate” attunement.