Four Movements of the Soul
Expansion of Aura : This movement is the first encapsulation surrounding our bodies with the memories of current life. We become free of the 3rd dimension and can now begin to flow easily through other dimensions.
Emittance of Wings : Our emission of energy expands beyond our aura field into regions considered mass memory, areas beyond our current life memories. Past, present and future memories begin to act as one and spiritually time no longer exists.
Encircling the Earth : Beyond our own consciousness is that of the earth. Movement through this consciousness creates a planet of higher vibrations.  As the energy of this movement is captured by the earth and translates it to a higher potential, every particle becomes transmuted to a slightly higher vibration. This movement is usually combined with more grounding techniques which are associated with the 10th dimension.

Into the Stars : Expanding ourselves from our planetary consciousness to those of higher dimensional planets creates joint efforts between planets as ideas move from one culture to another. The star formed by the meeting of two arrows  designates the joint effort by different nations.