From the study of music we understand entrainment to be the ability to resonate to the same beat as the music. The same experience is observed through intimate conversations, sex and team work. All is based on objects oscillating in synchronicity. This oscillation is a repetitive wave motion that unites multiple waves to behave as one giant wave. An example would be a cheering crowd at a football games affects the energy of the players to play a better game. The understanding of entrainment is far from simple when it comes to our intimate relationship with our bodies and with others. The field also extends itself to how all forms of matter cause our bodies to entrain differently. Our personalities results from a combination of chemical genetic entrainment, emotional and psychological entrainment and experiential entrainment. There are layers of different kinds of wave energy that all make us what we are. Scientist often refer this as the morphogenic energy field. Our chakra system is a morphogenic field.

Dimensional Transitions reveals that this field consists of three different oscillating fields which convey elements of different nature. The most well know is that of matter in the form of protons, neutrons and electrons. Its oscillating field makes it possible for matter to exists. Without the field of cymatics we would not know about the relationship between oscillation frequencies and shape. We are learning that matter is a combination of intersecting frequency waves. As we study more we find repetitive patterns of frequency combinations in nature that show up over and over. The most well know is the periodic table of elements taught in chemistry classes. These define the basic elements such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen which are required of organic life forms. These elements have a unique relationship amongst each other is that their physical and chemical properties repeat themselves as you go down each row of the periodic table. Our understanding of science and life has been limited to these small amounts of elements.

Music is another example of a periodic table. If you ever seen a piano and looked closely at the keys you would notice that they repeat themselves over and over and if you play the note C at different octaves at the same time you notice that the sounds resonate with each other.

Matter by itself cannot explain many of life’s miraculous events. Dimensional Transitions discovery of two other periodic tables with elements that are made from movements and design show how the nature of science is about to take a big turn to new developments in the healing professions, industry and communications. The elements and relationships between each of the three periodic tables are discussed and include demonstrations of how each is used to accelerate the ascension process. All the elements are pictorial with simulated explanations of how each interact with each other.

Movement and design periodic tables reflect the nature of higher vibration realms and why we have not ascended to those levels. Each describes how to release from the denser chemical periodic table to the higher vibrating ones of movement and design. The first element of movement is call “spin” while higher elements introduce multidimensional and directional properties. The first element of design is the “sphere” where higher elements introduce layers of spheres and curvature.

Within the periodic movement are four repeating rows of similarities as the movements expand to larger elements. Each row in this table occupies three different copies of the chemical periodic table. One of these copies is the one we are most familiar with from chemistry books. The second and third copies are written in the form of preconstructed movements. These movements are made to show how mass and meaning form as protons, neutrons and electrons.

Within the periodic design table are 10 elements per column and 4 elements per row. By analyzing these designs balance and efficiency can be applied with perfect energy conservation. These designs demonstrate the cyclic nature of energy. Within the first column are the relationships of encompassing, the second column is the response of interaction, the third is the inversion of resistance and the last column is the consolidation of certainty.

With these tables the laws of attraction and entrainment can be understood within the a single perspective, Creation is an act of movement and design.

Our next topic concludes this series with “The difference between Rife and Wrong” , a look at what works and doesn’t work with Rife machines and how tones and frequencies affect our health.