Our DNA affects the energy systems involved in the crystallization processes. Each gene affects the electric, magnetic, chakra and consciousness systems. At different times of our lives genes get activated for different reasons. Puberty is an example when the body matures physically. DNA also controls spiritual changes expressed through the body. DNA activation at this level programs the body to accept higher spiritual roles in society. Many are associated with the ascension process and increasing personal vibration. Providing DNA activation through Dimensional Transitions involves several stages. The first stage begins with reading the DNA to be activated. This reading is done by a trained practitioner who can pattern light energy around the DNA to be activated. After light is bound to the DNA, the genes are now ready to be linked to the chakra communication system. This process engages the DNA into cellular expression.

The CD provided contains energy activation through multiple passes of the chakra system. The guided meditation arranges the chakra frequencies to accept the new DNA signals. Different waves of energy start from your heart chakra and move downward through the lower chakras through the root chakra into the earth and then back up. After reaching the heart chakra the wave moves upward and transcend the crown chakra where it then returns to the heart and begins the next wave. The tracks on the CD should be played in the order they are presented. DNA acceptance needs to follow a certain protocol which assembles light energy a particular way for the activation to be completed.

You can use the CD after you have part of the DNA activation done or wait until the process is completed. Each time you will need to listen to the entire CD. If you wait until the end of the process you may feel very tired the following day and experience all the changes in a short period of time after listening to the CD. Listen to the CD several times if you need to. When you are sure you have experienced each of the different waves you no longer need to go any further.

These are the different meditation waves contained on the CD.

DNA Activation Introduction

Extracting W.A.S.T.E. What Anger Stole Through Ego

S.M.I.L.E. Simulating Multiple Informative Light Energy

The Chakra New You Cha Cha

D.N.A. Drumming Nine Ascensions

Manifesting the Crown

Counting Your Meanings Not Your Money

With the heart chakra, I confide in my chakra that I am in alignment with my highest interest to release myself from the confines of rage. Release myself from the ego that says I am right. Release myself from confusion and pretense. I am ready to inquire into a deeper part of myself, a part of myself that will now become activated by combining new DNA expression with my physical expression of new Light. This new Light is part of the ascension process.

With these five words I release from my existence the counsel of Ego and replace it with the entrainment of Light. From Light I Witness Affirmation. From Light I Witness Affirmation. From Light I Witness Affirmation.

With these words I have empowered my heart chakra to convey all forms of the newly activated Light.

I ask that it allow me to move to the next chakra, the solar plexus, so that all my Light shall be aware.

Repeat : With the solar plexus chakra, I confide …





third eye



When you are done this meditation give yourself some time to adjust before doing the next meditation S.M.I.L.E. Simulating Multiple Informative Light Energy

S.M.I.L.E. Simulating Multiple Informative Light Energy

After extracting W.A.S.T.E. from your system the next step involves healing the origin of Light. This involves removing the theory that imagination is unreal and replacing it with the ferocity of mind over matter. Within dreams and imagination lies the simulation chamber for all the possibilities you can choose from to create the universe of your choice. Light, the frequency based energy, is the basis of all of it. When you realize that you create Light then Light obeys your will. The ferocity of the mind is the strength of the will to create a universe, hold it together, let it evolve and expand and change it as it needs. The mind, the creator of Light, allows the brain to comprehend different aspects of life. Through the initiation of the DNA activation, Light reveals more of the universe to be experienced in this lifetime.

Starting with the heart chakra:

With my mind I create the Light that activates the DNA and with these words I define the Love I have for my creation and my mind.

With my mind I dream the visions that commit me to my mission.

With my mind I move the form I take to enter into the Light and consume it until my heart explodes.

With my mind I seek the fire of Love and burn all injustice away and surround my consciousness with color and movement.

With my mind I inform the world around me that no direction can be achieved without constrictions. With my mind I accept these constrictions.

With my mind I invite the world around me to share what I have affirmed.

I love my mind.

I ask that it allow me to move to the next chakra, the solar plexus, so that all my Light shall be aware.

Repeat : With the solar plexus chakra, I confide …





third eye



When you are done this meditation give yourself some time to adjust before doing the next meditation The Chakra New You Cha Cha.

The Chakra New You Cha Cha

The full spectrum of Light is encoded in the chakra system. Beginning with the heart chakra you will begin transformations when DNA information enters the chakra system. Every piece of DNA needs to be calibrated to each of the chakras. This calibration allows the new conscious holographic projection control over the DNA. This opens the gateway to new alternative realities. As a result we experience changes in personalities, consciousness, spiritual and physical expressions and many other characteristics. As you go through each chakra your mind will convey to your chakra the five words used to calibrate the new changes in them to the Melchizadek frequency.

Begin visualizing your heart as a ball of energy and slowly opening up the chakra and repeat these words into it while it is open. Hishe, Tse, Nigue, Tea, Bowat. Close the chakra. Breath in and out.

See yourself giving the chakra a big encompassing hug and repeat the words.

Breath in and out.

See yourself pointing at its center and focusing an intense laser sharp light into it and repeat the words. Breath in and out.

See yourself stretching the chakra fully upwards beyond your crown chakra and below your root chakra so that all it knows is shared with all the other chakras. Breath in and out.

And lastly see your body completely encased by the chakra. Breath in and out.

I ask that it allow me to move to the next chakra, the solar plexus, so that all my Light shall be aware.

Repeat : With the solar plexus chakra, I confide …





third eye



When you are done this meditation give yourself some time to adjust before doing the next meditation D.N.A. Drumming Nine Ascensions

D.N.A. Drumming Nine Ascensions

The nine chakra system includes soul and earth chakra as part of the human chakra system. All of the chakras have certain tones and beats that coincide with the frequencies that make up the chakra. These are audible tones that when heard entrains Light to a higher vibration. Each chakra matures as it centers around one galactic consciousness. This consciousness begins the awareness of the Christ Consciousness. With it are nine ascensions principals. Each one has unique frequencies associated with it. The frequencies you will hear are paired with their corresponding ascension principal.

You will hear the nine principals three times, each time they will have a faster beat to them. This increase in beat is to train your brain to handle chakra processing at a very high rate.

I call on my heart chakra to execute the following principal. Light below binds the soul while Light above regains control.

I call on my solar plexus chakra to execute the following principal. Surround my gut with the role that my will is true and bold.

I call on my sacral chakra to execute the following principal. Send the guides far from me that do not serve eternity.

I call on my root chakra to execute the following principal. With colors of possibilities arrange my life constructively.

I call on my earth chakra to execute the following principal. Through the life you give and life you take I know I am without mistake.

I call on my throat chakra to execute the following principal. For the time and for the sake I contemplate the choice I make.

I call on my third eye chakra to execute the following principal. With this sight I come to be the shining Light for all to see.

I call on my crown chakra to execute the following principal. Cutting through the grime of sensory unfolds confirmation that mind is memory.

I call on my soul chakra to execute the following principal. Choosing love that transcends space ascends the heart to a higher place.

When you are done this meditation give yourself some time to adjust before doing the next meditation Manifesting the Crown.

Manifesting the Crown

Manifesting takes place in the Crown chakra. Here all the information from all the other chakras reveals the path the manifesting will take. As the DNA activation provides new avenues to explore, you begin to redo your life with an updated version of where, when, what, how and why. These questions remove the worries in your life by keeping you in the moment instead of the past or future. Manifesting circumvents the need to know the steps. With the universe changing the circumstances around you, the awareness that all is in place: where, when, what, how and why. You only need to stay out of its way.

This meditation installs manifestation software into your brain. Having a new perspective on life motivates you to move quickly to make each manifestation come true.

I acknowledge that the composition of the way I create my future no longer exists in the field of time, that my composition changes past, present and future in the instance so that only the change exists and not the notion of past and future. The memories I choose create a path of confirmation of the moment. Each moment builds another path which moves me to a different perspective. Each perspective widens the understanding of the nature of my form and each form I experience reassures me that I am what I create.

With my crown chakra I choose a greater perspective and become more aware of what I have manifested.

Repeat 5 times

When you are done this meditation give yourself some time to adjust before doing the next meditation Count Your Meanings Not Your Money.

Count Your Meanings Not Your Money

The world never knew about achieving financial wealth until people started comparing themselves to the value of money. Comparing themselves to money meant allowing the natural intelligence of DNA to be over ridden by the economic intelligence system. This destroys the meaning behind the DNA coding. With it no longer functioning the will of the individual is now given over to the economic system as with many other social systems which people give their power to choose to, for example: religion, politics and military. In essence, you begin to loose the ability to choose, to think for yourself and you begin to trust more in the outside world than you do in the inside one. And with this you loose yourself.

Aligning your mind to protect the meanings behind the DNA begins with focusing on bringing more meaning into your life and not more meaning to money and other systems which poison the DNA intelligence.

I replace time with meaning. Let the expression of all my DNA fulfill all my needs with the knowing that all of them can be met.

I consent my existence to the bonds between mind and body.

I resign from falsifying the memories which describe my life.

My DNA represents my Light to which all of the universe can be illuminated with.

With every meaning confirms the ascension from self to all.

With my own consciousness I choose to implant my intentions which made from the highest of all forms, the form of perfection.

Repeat five times

With this DNA activation I fulfill my obligation to my form to bring Light into this universe.