We have two brains with very different personalities but most of us tend to favor one side or the other. Our ability to cope deals with how the two brains communicate with each other. Analytical and creative must work together to get the best out of both worlds. Our mental potential is dictated by how we use our brain. With the imbalance most of us experience from favoring one side or the other we never reach its full potential. Brain balancing using audible tones and Dimensional Transitions sessions create a higher resonating brain pattern that allows more memory and better processing to occur. Through scanning sessions, unique brain areas requiring stimulation can be isolated and reprogrammed. Tonal reprogramming can be used to reduce stress, increase concentration, improve your direction in life and allow you to connect with more in the world.
The method can also be used to help cases of amnesia, additions, mental and emotional abuse, autism and brain damage as it focuses on redirecting processing. Many of these cases can be detected through Dimensional Transition’s graphical representations.