How to use Tonal Sweep Generator
The Concept
Using the sweep generator requires you to pay close attention to signals your body gives you to let you know when a frequency is beneficial. Before you begin find a quiet place and take a minute to calm yourself. You will be paying attention to a rise and fall of some type of sensation. Sometimes you may get a visual flash, a change in heart rate, a twinge or a more relaxed feeling. You can adjust the length of each pulse as well as increase step between pulses. Don’t worry about not hearing the higher frequencies above 15000 Hz but your body will still respond to the tones. Lower the volume if you need as some tones sound louder than others.
When you are ready, set your intention of what you want. Keep repeating that intention in your mind throughout the entire scan. You may have no response or one to many body responses. Look for when the response is at its maximum and write down the frequency it corresponds to. You should get the same results when you repeat the scan. To home in on a frequency use 1 HZ as the step rate selection and position the frequency 40 Hz below the value you are testing to start.
Every different intention will yield a different set of responses.
You will be able to save your results so that you can replay them at any time.
The entire process can be broken down into three parts.
Finding the tones for your intention.
Start by setting the range you want to listen to by entering a beginning and ending frequency range.
There are different wave options. Start with either sine or square wave. Don’t worry if you can’t hear the the low or high tones. They will still have an affect on you.
Next if you are a beginner, use a longer exposure of at least several seconds for each frequency to be heard. Your body needs some time to adapt to each sound and determine if it is beneficial.
Then set the step rate to a value between 5 and 10.
Make yourself comfortable and relaxed.
Click on the sweep button. You can control the volume at any time.
Write down the frequencies you body indicates a response to. The value will be displayed in the Current Hz box.
After you have the frequencies written down. Repeat the process but focus on narrowing the value.
For each frequency you wrote down, enter a value 40 Hz lower and 40 Hz higher than the value as the range.
Set the step rate to 1 Hz and repeat the sweep to get the best value.