Genes are made of four unique molecules called nucleotides that pair up in a unique way: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T)
Adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine with guanine.
A gene is a series of nucleotides that specify a particular function or characteristic.
Source is the location of a healthy copy of the genes stored within the earth’s magnetic memory system.
There are three types of gene repairs that can be accomplished with this tool. All repairs are based on information received from Source.
1. If a nucleotide is not paired correctly or if the nucleotide is deformed or mutated, it will fix the deformity or insert the correct nucleotide.
2. If a gene needs to be activated it will activate it.
3. If a gene is only partially activated and needs to be fully activated, it will activate it.
The frequencies which affect the nucleotides all have specific additions to their cycle which provide a better frequency match and help with the gene repair. You will note that when choosing a disease to work on, a certain combination of offsets will appear within the frequency.
Adenine : 20, 130 & 250. Thymine: 20, 40, 130 & 190. Guanine: 4, 30 & 90. Cytosine: 20, 40 & 90.
The list of genetic diseases on this page provide by this site are matched to a series of frequencies with specific offsets that will automatically be loaded when selected.
To use the genetic phase generator as a healing tool you must first use the tonal sweep generator to find the frequencies for the genetic defect you are addressing. There can be as many as nine different frequencies and as many as four different phases. Usually the first phase will have the value zero and and the first three frequencies will be combined as a single tonal output. The frequencies range from zero to 360. Any frequency used must be at least 10 to 15 degree difference for any differences to be observed. When the fourth frequency is required, the first three tones are on one speaker and the forth on the other speaker. One speaker in front of the client and one on the left or right side. These different tones are made to intersect in the clients at 90 degree angles.
All tones are played for the same amount of time. For those of you who know how to change the sound card sampling rate, change it to the highest it will go. The higher sampling rates yield better results. Use time values between 2 minutes and 10 minutes at a time. Allow two days between each treatment and no more than 5 treatments. Each individual will have different frequencies for the same class of genetic diseases.
Dimensional Transitions will have 9 unique categories that these genetic diseases will fall under. They are organized according to confirmations based on muscle testing. The combination of four “yes” answers can be used to find which category to use as the topic. Under each topic will be a list of code names which refers to different types of ailments. Unlike traditional physical and medical descriptions, these ailments are described in terms of which chromosomes they appear on. Instead of using an intention to focus on the symptoms and its medical name, different sets of frequencies will be played where you will be able to respond to one should it resonate with you. Instead of a sweep of single tones, you will be responding to sets of tones played at the same time. Each of the 9 categories will have different sets.
At this point Dimensional Transitions is working on the 9 categories and their different sets. Keep checking in for updates.
Differentiation deals with the stages of DNA activity which create great physical and mental changes. The first of these changes is upon fertilization when a dormant female egg begins to divide. Other examples are when the cells of the embryo start to take on the cell types that make up different organs. Later in life, it happens during puberty and when cells begin aging. These diseases show up when these processes occur.
6, 32, 802
Anchoring translates DNA aura to DNA function. DNA aura contains DNA imprints from past lives where the DNA may have been more functional. Anchoring allows history access to better functioning DNA. Problems with anchoring during any part of ones life deals with the inability of the DNA aura to pass on its information to the structural DNA.
8731, 53859, 84, 6, 71
Conversions read indirect symptoms back to their cause. An example of a conversion would be having a kidney issue that is really caused by a drop in pH blood level. The real cause would go back to what caused the drop in pH. This could be environmental, psychological, poisoning and many other causes. This category focuses on behavior changes that affect DNA. Working with conversions helps change old unhealthy habits to healthy ones that promote better DNA usage.
915, 975, 11, 7
Intersecting Molecules are about molecules that are needed for DNA expression. These would be molecules that are needed for uncurling and separating the DNA into separate strands.
85, 21, 539, 7, 8
Carcinogens can be classified as energy which creates an unhealthy cyclic pattern. With chemical energy such as poisonous substances that our bodies take in, the pattern causes cancer. Cancer is a healthy cell that does not know when to stop growing or reproducing. Its excessive growth creates an imbalance in our body and can lead to death. Chemicals are not the only form of energy that are carcinogenic. Chemicals relate to more low vibrations while Light relates to higher vibrations. Light energy can also be carcinogenic. For example, a laser used improperly, can cause cancer. Energy in the form of auras can be just as deadly. Care needs to be taken when around microwaves, high energy transmission such as 5G and infected individuals who emit these energies. Carcinogens affect DNA by removing the turn off switch to tell the DNA to stop making more cells or abnormal cells. Another type of carcinogen are ones which affect the molecules that support how the DNA replicates. These affect the DNA indirectly. For example, a poison may interfere with a molecule that unzips the DNA so that it cannot be activated.
Do I have wounds of involuntary activation?
Cell Harmonics prevent DNA from over replicating. These are mechanisms derived from the interaction of other cells surrounding a dividing cell. Without cell harmonics all cells could become cancerous.
Will the intelligence between my cells create higher vibrations?
Conscious Development deals with the destiny of your soul light. It conveys the journey you are on. Your DNA has encoded your lessons that you are hear to learn. These genes dictate changes and direction in your life.
17, 12, 18, 14
Quantum Coverage finds all the missing frequencies DNA needs to operate correctly. Even though DNA molecular configuration may be correct, the multiple wave frequencies may be incomplete. This process converts raw scalar energy to photons that can then be used for creation of new vibrations.
Soulidification brings 5 of eight aspects together and synchronizes their energies so that they operate with one mind. Each aspect represents another dimension or time line that you exist in. They all have similar DNA coding but are not able to pass valuable information to each other if they are not in sync. All eight dimensions contribute to the soul through the DNA frequency interchange. Only 5 deal with our reality. Each of these dimensions can be reached through a symbol and have 5 different set of frequencies that they are matched up with. There is one extra set of frequencies used to summarize the final synchronization. All these frequencies work with brain frequencies between 0.1 Hz and 16.0 Hz.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
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Muscle test each image for a Yes or No response. Make a list of connections by linking all two number possibilities with lowest number first. Do not include number 6 as a combination. For example: If you have a Yes for numbers 1,3, 5 and 6, your list would look like this. 1+3, 1+5, 3+5, 6. These frequency sets are pre-saved and will be linked together for the final frequency set you will need to use. Use the link frequency set form to play these frequencies. If you only have one symbol that muscle test as Yes then there are no frequencies in this category you need to use.
Differentiation, Anchoring, Conversions and Intersecting Molecules all have a unique set of frequencies muscle testing can be done against to determine if your genetic disease falls under those categories.
Carcinogens and Cell Harmonics have specific questions muscle testing is done on.
Conscious Development uses a combination of symbol and frequency for muscle testing.
Quantum Coverage and Soulidification use symbols for the muscle testing.
You will need to adjust the sampling rate of your sound card to the highest rate it can go in order to muscle test using frequencies. The highest available for many sound cards is 192,000. For Windows right click on speaker symbol, click on sounds, playback, speakers, advance and select 24 bit 192000 Hz.
If you want Dimensional Transitions to create a tone set for you please email us the disease name and your name so that we can remotely see your genetic issues and prepare a file that you can then listen to from your own computer. For a limited time we are offering this absolutely free in exchange for your feedback of how you felt when you first heard the tones and what difference it made health wise after the five treatments.
Please use the form below to contact us to see if you qualify.